NJ utility bills assistance
NJ utility bills assistance
There are several programs to help people in New Jersey with utility bills – such as gas, electricity, water, phone, or Internet.
When you apply, you may be able to upload all documents online.
- LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance) and USF (Universal Service Fund) help NJ residents with electric and gas utility bills. These two programs have different eligibility criteria, but you apply for them together: nj.gov/dca/divisions/dhcr/offices/hea.html, +1 800-510-3102. You can apply online, or through your local application agency. More info is available through NJ211.

- PAGE (Payment Assistance for Gas and Electric) is a state-funded utility assistance program that helps families with low- to moderate-income pay their electricity and gas utility bills: njpoweron.org/page, +1 732-982-8710. If you are eligible for USF, apply for USF first; then if still in need apply for PAGE.
- NJSHARES (New Jersey Statewide Heating Assistance and Referral Energy Service, njshares.org) assists with water, telephone, Internet, gas, and electric bills, for households who do not qualify for federal or state programs or whose income does not exceed 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. Water, gas, and electricity assistance: apply.njsharesgreen.org/qualify, +1 866-657-4273. For assistance with Internet and phone utility bills: njshares.org/telecommunications.
- Lifeline is a NJ state program that helps seniors and people with disabilities to pay electricity and gas utility bills: nj.gov/humanservices/doas/home/lifelinedetail.html.
- Emergency Broadband Benefit provides a discount of up to $50/month toward Internet service for eligible households (up to $75/month on qualifying Tribal lands). Also provides a discount of up to $100 to purchase a computer or tablet device from participating providers. Contact GetEmergencyBroadband.org, +1 833-511-0311.
- NJ Winter Termination Program protects some customers from gas or electricity shutoff between November 15 and March 15 each year. Those in programs including SSI (Supplemental Security Income), TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), USF, LIHEAP, and Lifeline are protected, as well as those experiencing hardship beyond their control such as unemployment or illness. Call NJ BPU: +1 800-624-0241.
- WAP (Weatherization Assistance Program) helps NJ seniors, people with disabilities, and people with low income to weatherize their homes, improve heat efficiency, and conserve energy: nj.gov/dca/divisions/dhcr/offices/wap.html, +1 609-984-1947.
- Comfort Partners is a free program that helps income-eligible customers in NJ reduce their utility bills through energy-saving and money-saving measures, while improving safety and comfort, at no cost to them: njcleanenergy.com/CP, +1 800-915-8309.