Home > Connect with Montclair Mutual Aid Connect with Montclair Mutual AidConnect with Montclair Mutual AidWe’re a network of PEOPLE helping PEOPLE with essential needs.I'd like to connect with Montclair Mutual Aid!My first name: *My last name: *My preferred pronounsGender PronounMy email addressMy phone numberUnited States +1I prefer contact via:emailtext messagephone callemailPlease include at least one way for us to contact you.I'm located in: *MontclairBloomfield or Glen RidgeClifton or Little FallsCedar Grove or VeronaWest Orange, East Orange, or OrangeOtherOther location *0 / 32Receiving helpI know of some needs for my community, my family, or myself.Click here for information: Free groceries, food, or meals Utility bills payment assistance Health or mental health Housing, rent, or eviction Legal or court assistance Safety or domestic abuse Our Direct Giving program offers funds for bills, groceries, or transportation.Please get in touch with me about Direct Giving funds.0 / 100I can meet in person in the Montclair area to receive the funds.VolunteeringI'd like to hear about participating with Montclair Mutual Aid.CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES include: Community Freeshare – Monthly events to share or receive free groceries, clothing, toiletries, menstrual products, diapers, school supplies, etc. Direct Giving – Allocating and delivering direct aid funds. Disaster/Emergency Preparation – Educating and provisioning for severe weather, fire, and other emergencies. Protecting Community – Supporting/assisting vulnerable neighbors. Spreading Mutual Aid – Seeding mutual aid activities in nearby NJ towns. Aisle 7 Project – Free menstrual products distribution. Gofer – Pickups, deliveries, errands for people who can't leave home. Behind-the-scenes committees – Fundraising or financial, governance or legal, communications, technology.NEW/FUTURE IDEAS might include: Tool sharing – Pooling snow blowers, lawn mowers, gardening tools, electric power generators, etc. Neighborhood support – Wellness checks for elder or infirm neighbors. Get-to-know-you block events. Street contacts list, phone tree. Home services – Snow shoveling, lawn raking, yard work, repair/upkeep for seniors or people with disabilities. Health and mental health – First aid skills. Support groups. Clinic referrals. Skill education – Share skills for self-sufficiency, community participation, economic uplift, etc. Educational events. ... and more! Let's use our creativity!NewsletterPlease subscribe me to Montclair Mutual Aid's free monthly email newsletter.OtherOther – I'd like to get in touch with Montclair Mutual Aid about something else.I'd like to contact Montclair Mutual Aid about: *0 / 100SUBMITPlease do not fill in this field.