Home > Snow clearing feedback Snow clearing feedbackSnow clearing feedbackThank you for participating in the Montclair free snow clearing project. Now that we've gone through our first snow, we'd appreciate your insights, feedback, and ideas, to help us improve the experience!Please tell us about your experience with our Montclair free snow clearing project:Someone from the volunteer project phoned me beforehand to arrange or schedule free snow clearing. *YesNoSomeone did clear snow at my house. *YesNoWho cleared the snow? *Based on talking with a volunteer (by phone or in person), I believe it was someone from the Montclair free snow clearing project.I think it was a neighbor, a commercial service, or someone else NOT from the Montclair free snow clearing project.I'm not sure who cleared the snow.Please choose the answer that fits best.I provided:Shovel(s)Salt or sandThe result was: *SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryPlease let us know what was unsatisfactory, and what was satisfactory about the snow clearing. *We take your concerns seriously, and will aim to improve next time.The project's emails (from snow@montclairmutualaid.org) were clear, concise, and complete. *YesNoHow can we communicate better next time?Fewer/more emails? Shorter/longer emails? Explain something that was unclear? Did any of our emails land in your Spam or Junk folder? ...etc.Any other comments or suggestions?Submit feedbackPlease do not fill in this field.